HUB AV Basics

Turning system on for basic events

  1. Turn on red "Master" switch.

  2. AFTER SOUND BOARD HAS FULLY TURNED ON, power up the white "System" switch.

  3. Select “Basic” to populate the most commonly needed channels on the middle eight faders.

  4. Find the needed channels by finding the appropriate channel label.

  5. Unmute the needed channels by pressing the “Mute” button until it is not lit.

  6. Set the volume of the needed channels by adjusting the fader of that channel.

Turning system on for Harbor

  1. Turn on red "Master" switch.

  2. AFTER SOUND BOARD HAS FULLY TURNED ON, power up the white "System" switch.

  3. Select “Harbor”.

  4. Find the needed channels by finding the appropriate channel label.

  5. Unmute the needed channels by pressing the “Mute” button until it is not lit.

  6. Set the volume of the needed channels by adjusting the fader of that channel.

To play music from sound board computer

  1. Turn on the Mac Mini in the desk rack (REF 1) by pressing the power button (REF 3).

  2. Open Spotify by clicking its icon at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Use the search bar to search for music to play.

To use a microphone

  1. In the amp room, which is located through the doors under the right screen, open the microphone drawer, and pull out microphone 5 and/or 6.

  2. Switch the microphone on by flipping the “On/Off button” up.

  3. If the microphone is low on batteries or runs out of batteries, unscrew the bottom of the microphone and replace the batteries by using AA batteries from the battery chargers.

Turning system off

  1. Power down white "System" switch.

  2. Press the "Processing" button just under the touchscreen interface until the option for "Shutdown" appears.

  3. Shut down the system using the touchscreen.

  4. Once the display says it is safe to turn off your SQ-7, turn off the power on the red "Master" switch.