Screen Outputs
This article talks about the various video outputs of ProPresenter and how to adjust them. (Video)
Currently, there are four video outputs and they're all a little bit different and often change at different parts of the service. The operator display shows the following:
Main screen - This is the main display, which goes to the side screens.
Center screen - A specific output for the center screen, which is generally a copy of the main display occasionally with some minor adjustments. For example, during Christmas, the screen is cropped so that the projection is cut around the Christmas stage design.
Video Switcher - A specific output for the video switcher. This often changes between the main display output and lower third lyrics.
Back Screen - This shows a variety of layouts so that those on the platform can see additional information as needed.
Stage Display Setup
At the beginning of each segment in the service, there is a "Stage Display" trigger which changes the layout of all of the video outputs as needed for the segment. Though it is not absolutely necessary for every single segment, we still like to put the trigger in each segment for good measure. If a trigger is wrong or was forgotten, the Stage Displays can be manually adjusted.
To add a Stage Display trigger:
Right click on the first slide of a segment.
Click "Add Action".
Click "Stage".
Click on the dropdown next to each screen output to assign the layout for the screens.
To edit a Stage Display trigger:
Right click on the first slide of a segment.
Click "Edit Action".
Click "Stage".
Click on the dropdown next to each screen output to assign the layout for the screen.
To manually edit a Stage Display layout:
Click on the "Screens" Menu.
Select the Screen that needs changed.
Select the desired layout.
Typical Screen Layouts
Announcement Slides
Center Screen: Cropped
Video Switcher: Main Screen Output
Back Screen: Main Screen Output
Songs Note: Make sure each song has these triggers.
Center Screen: Cropped
Video Switcher: Lower 3rd
Back Screen: Lyrics
Bumper Video
Center Screen: Cropped
Video Switcher: Main Screen Output
Back Screen: Video Countdown
Sermon Slides
For each service, we have a sermon timer for that specific service, which is why we have three different slides after the Bumper Video. Each slide triggers the timer and back screen layout for the service. Because of the many cues in the bumper video segment, it's best not to delete any of these slides. Instead, simply pull in the bumper video or sermon starter slide and drop it on the slide to replace the file that's currently there. Due to these triggers, the "Sermon" segment itself does not require any triggers.The layout is as follows:
Center Screen: Cropped
Video Switcher: Main Screen Output
Back Screen: (800, 930, 1115)
Center Screen: Cropped
Video Switcher: Main Screen Output
Back Screen: Main Screen Output