HUB Graphics Basics
Turning system on
Turn on graphic computer by pressing its power button.
Turn on front screens by pressing the “On” buttons for the center and side projectors.
Turn on projectors using StreamDeck beside the graphics computer.
Press the "Home" button on the bottom right of the StreamDeck until the button "Proj On" appears in the top left.
Press "Proj On". This should turn on both side projectors, center screen projector, and confidence screen projector.
If the center screen projector does not turn on, press the green button on the top left of the remote near the graphics computer.
If the center screen will only display a light blue screen while scrolling through various inputs, see the Troubleshooting page.
Playing slides or a video
Open ProPresenter by clicking on its Icon on the left of the screen.
Import slides or video into ProPresenter.
Select slides in ProPresenter to show on screen.
Turning system off
Turn off graphics computer, shutting it down through the main menu.
Turn off all screens by using the StreamDeck.
Press the "Home" button on the bottom right of the StreamDeck until the button "Proj On" appears in the top left.
Press "Proj Off", which should be right below "Proj On". This should turn off both side projectors, center screen projector, and confidence screen projector.
If the center screen projector does not turn off, press the red button twice on the remote near the graphics computer.