Broadcast Producer
Prep video director desk
Turn on Multiview TV (power button: top button on lower left side)
Turn on StageDisplay monitor (power button: far right button on bottom right side)
Log into computer
Wake up computer with Mac keyboard
M1 to log in
M8 to turn on back-lighting
Prep broadcast audio desk
Turn on broadcast audio board (power switch: on bottom back right side). Once booted up, bring up the main fader (farthest right)
Switch HDMI Switcher to bring up multiview feed on the right monitor.
Pull up PCO Live on broadcast audio desk computer.
Check Missions wall TV (power button: top button on lower left back side)
Check overflow room
Turn on main TV (power button: top button on lower left back side)
Turn on ProPresenter TV (power button: top button on lower left side)
Check that speakers are on and at 25% (nobs pointed towards ProPresenter TV)
Attend the pre-service meeting at 7:45am and communicate any changes to Video Director and Broadcast Audio Engineer.
Make sure hard drives are cleared and put into Hyperdeck.
Check lobby TVs as needed.
8:00 Service
At the start of service:
Make sure the Video Director has started recording to the SSD hard drive.
Record Tracks Live
Make sure the Program feed is showing audio levels. Troubleshooting tips.
(Check overflow room for proper volume.)
9:30 Service
At the start of the service:
Start Streaming when the pre-service countdown hits 1:00. Streaming Instructions
Make sure the Video Director has started recording the SSD Hard Drive.
When streaming:
Keep Youtube and Facebook streams open.
Keep an eye on the streaming server for any error messages.
Delete and block any offensive comments.
When the service ends:
Stop streaming ASAP.
Stop the Hyperdeck and dump the service footage.
11:15 Service
In the case of a special event (baptism, child dedication), record 11:15 service's special event segment to hard drive.
Record the full 11:15 service if there were major technical glitches during
Post Service
Upon successful 9:30 recording, copy the recording onto Render computer, and:
Create a service archive
Upload sermon to Vimeo, Youtube, and Podcast
If a special event (ex: baptism), export those sections of each service to the archive.
Take notes of any equipment or volunteer issues from the day.
Ensure that all equipment has been turned off and put away
Turn video suite AC back on.
During service
Switch ATEM to Camera 2 at the beginning of the service
Switch ATEM to ProPresenter during bumper video and any other videos during service.
Check overflow room and office during worship and sermon for audio.
Post service
Switch ATEM to ProPresenter at the conclusion of the service
Turn off camera 2
Turn off Broadcast Audio Console)