Shutdown List
Pixel Tape Wall Shutdown
Turn off the power strip on the wall behind the curtain on the amp-room-side of the stage.
Projectors/Graphics Shutdown
In the sound booth, locate the graphics computer and the StreamDeck next to it.
Graphics Computer
Close ProPresenter.
Shut down the computer.
On the StreamDeck, hit the "Home" button on the bottom right until "Proj On" is displayed in the top left corner.
Press "Proj Off". This should shut down all the projectors.
If the center projector does not turn off, find the remote located on the desk near the StreamDeck, and press the red "Standby" button twice.
The first time should display the question "Do you want to shut down?" on the center screen.
The second time should shut down the projector.
Audio Shutdown
Locate the soundboard in the sound booth.
Close all programs running on the computer behind the soundboard.
Power down the white "System" switch.
Once all the relays are off, indicated by all the little red lights being turned off, on the soundboard interface, press the "Processing" button until the display shows the option to "Shutdown".
Select "Shutdown" on the touchscreen interface.
Once the display says it is safe to turn of the SQ-7, turn off the audio system using the red "Master" switch.