Camera Operator


To provide the Video Director with well composed shots for the broadcast.


  • Ensure your camera, tripod, and controls are in good working condition and set to your preferences.

  • Ensure that your exposure and white balance are set properly.

  • Be in position when the five-minute countdown starts.

During service

  • Be alert and listen to the Video Director.

  • Keep your intercom microphone off unless absolutely necessary. If you need to talk, remember to talk quietly, especially when the service is quiet (like during the sermon).

  • Turn down the Intercom headset volume anytime you leave the camera stand.

  • Once the Video Director is off of your shot, find another shot, unless you have been specifically told otherwise.

  • If you’re not sure where to aim your camera, just listen to the music.

Post service

  • Note any tripod or camera issues.
