Camera Operator
To provide the Video Director with well composed shots for the broadcast.
Ensure your camera, tripod, and controls are in good working condition and set to your preferences.
Ensure that your exposure and white balance are set properly.
Be in position when the five-minute countdown starts.
During service
Be alert and listen to the Video Director.
Keep your intercom microphone off unless absolutely necessary. If you need to talk, remember to talk quietly, especially when the service is quiet (like during the sermon).
Turn down the Intercom headset volume anytime you leave the camera stand.
Once the Video Director is off of your shot, find another shot, unless you have been specifically told otherwise.
If you’re not sure where to aim your camera, just listen to the music.
Post service
Note any tripod or camera issues.
Rewatch your work and critique yourself.
A camera operator should know the following creative techniques.
A camera operator should know how troubleshoot the following.