Sunday Edit
Goal: Edit sermon video (for Youtube & Vimeo), sermon Audio (for Podcast), service archive (just for archive), and special service segments (baptism, child dedication, etc)
Label Files
Place Hard Drive in Hard Drive Dock
Find the file of the service and rename it accordingly.
Standard naming scheme: "YYMMDD"
For special services, append the service time in four digits after an underscore. "YYMMDD_HHMM"
Edit Process
Open the "Service" file in Adobe Premiere.
Open sequence.
Import clip file into sequence.
Edit the beginning
Trim the beginning of the clip to a second before the first words are spoken.
Apply 1-second fades on both video and audio at the beginning of the clip.
Overlay the 1-second beginning fade on the 1-second ending fade of the logo at the beginning of the clip.
(The logo at the beginning should be 3-seconds, including the fade)
Check the transition.
Check that the video fades in without any obvious graphics or half-transitioned camera shots.
Check that the audio fades in without any weird sounds or partial words.
Edit the end
Trim the end of the clip to a second after the last words are spoken.
Apply 1-second fades on both video and audio at the end of the clip.
Overlay the 1-second beginning fade on the 1-second ending fade of the logo at the end of the clip.
(The logo at the beginning should be 3-seconds, including the fade)
Check the transition.
Check that the video fades out without any obvious graphics or half-transitioned camera shots.
Check that the audio fades out without any weird sounds or partial words.
Edit Service
Go through Edit Process in "Service" Sequence, editing from the first words of the service to the last.
Export into this year's folder using "H.264" with "H/M Bitrate" preset, titled "YYMMDD_Service"
Edit Sermon
Go through Edit Process in "Sermon" Sequence, editing from the first words of the sermon to the last.
(TIP: Start by copying the edited file from the "Service" Sequence)
Mark in and out points for the podcast.
Sermon video: "H.264", "YT/VM Upload" preset, "Entire Sequence", titled: "YYMMDD_Sermon"
Podcast: "WAV", "Sequence In/Out", "YYMMDD_Podcast"
Upload Podcast file to Buzzsprout
Rename title to "Series: Sermon (Theme Verse)"
Rename description to "Date Formatted - Speaker"
Publish podcast.
Upload to Vimeo & Youtube (Youtube is automatic if Media Encoder is happy).
Publish Video (1+ hour after uploading).
Rename video title to "Series: Sermon (Theme Verse)"
Rename video description to "Date Formatted - Speaker"
Make sure the thumbnail is an image of the speaker, and not a graphic.
Publish video.
Edit Special Events
Go through Edit Process in Sequences for each service, editing from the first words of the special sequence to the last.
Follow Edit Process.
Export into this year's folder using "H.264", "Youtube 1080p" preset, titled "YYMMDD_HHMM_[EVENT]" Event=Baptism, PC Dedication, etc
Upload each clip to YouTube.
After processing, title the video "[Date, full format] - [Event] - [Service]", for example: "October 11, 2020 - ROC Parent-Child Dedication - 8:00 Service", and publish as "Unlisted".