Video Director


To lead and direct camera operators for the Livestream and in-house broadcast.

Sunday Startup

  • Ensure that all cameras are on, working properly, and set for proper exposure and white balance.

  • Turn on ATEM audio and ensure that you are receiving good audio levels.

  • Test the Lower third nameplate, and change it if necessary.

  • Work with the on-stage musicians to make sure they are positioned well for camera.

  • Fix any minor camera issues.


  • Double check that you’re recording (during 8:00 and 9:30)

  • Make sure all camera operators are in place.

  • 9:30 SERVICE ONLY: Start Livestream @-1:00


  • Make sure you have the lead singer is always covered.

  • Use pastor’s lower third during the first close up of the sermon.

Post service

  • Always end the service with the River Oak Logo.

  • Switch to ProPresenter for Announcement slides.

  • Note any equipment issues, and report them to Technical Director.

  • 9:30 SERVICE ONLY: Make sure the Broadcast Producer stops the Livestream.

Sunday Shutdown

  • Turn off ATEM audio.

  • Turn off all screens in control room.

  • Put ATEM computer to sleep.

  • Turn off Livestream Computer.

  • Make sure all cameras are turned off and lens is covered.


  • Baptism

    • Camera 3 has the best angle for

  • Make sure camera operators have rehearsed moving shots before performing them live.

  • Know the order of service and any service elements that are out of the ordinary.

  • Useful phrases to use:

    • “Ready 3” - This communicates to the camera operators that you are considering going to camera three next.

    • “Going to 3” OR “Taking 3” - This communicates to the camera operators that you have started the transition to camera three.

    • “3 is live” - This communicates that camera 3 is live, and other cameras are free to move.

    • “Going live on IMAG” - This communicates that the camera operators that the camera feed is about to appear on the screens. When shooting for IMAG, get closer shots.

    • “We are clear” - This communicates to the camera operators that the service is over and the camera operators no longer need to look for shots.

    • “Does anyone have eyes on...” - This communicates to the camera operators that you are looking for a particular person on stage.

  • Rewatch your work and critique yourself.

  • Pay attention to the camera techniques used in movies and TV shows.

  • Always be willing to learn more about videography techniques.